Tag: WB-20-February-2023

Vice Chancellor’s Award for Quality Assurance

In the context of promoting and disseminating the culture of total quality assurance within the operating divisions at Bethlehem University, and for the sake of appreciating the work and achievement of the Internal Quality Cells’ members regarding the implementation and enhancement of best quality practices in the work of their divisions, the “Vice Chancellor’s Award […]

Students Archaeological Excursion to Jordan

Eight sophomore students from the “Archaeology and Cultural Heritage” program at Bethlehem University completed an archaeological excursion to Jordan from Monday, 6 February 2023, to Sunday, 12 February 2023. They were accompanied by Dr. Omar Abed Rabo, the chairperson of the Humanities Department, and Dr. Jutta Häser, a visiting scholar to the program. Twenty German […]

PIBS library adopts Library of Congress System

This week, the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability – Bethlehem University (PIBS-BU) concluded the integration of the Library of Congress classification system into the PIBS library. The PIBS library is one of the facilities available at the institute for people to come, enjoy, and benefit from. This opportunity is especially good for university students […]