Tag: Vice President for Advancement

L’Università di Betlemme: lasciate acceso un faro di Speranza

Link: https://www.conventofrancescano.it/it_IT/news/luniversita-di-betlemme–lasciate-acceso-un-faro-di-speranza From: CONVENTO FRANCESCANO I rappresentati dell’unica università cattolica della Terra Santa hanno incontrato a Roma gli ambasciatori della Santa Sede per sensibilizzarli sulla situazione dell’ateneo, punto di riferimento multiculturale e accademico della regione. Sono 3.400 gli studenti iscritti che dall’inizio della guerra hanno riscontrato sempre maggiori difficoltà nel raggiungere il campus Leggi Tutto

L’appello dell’Università di Betlemme: aiutateci, la guerra ha creato grandi difficoltà

Link: https://www.vaticannews.va/it/chiesa/news/2024-06/intervista-vicepresidente-universita-cattolica-betlemme.html From: Vatican News Dalla riunione della Roaco fratel Jack Curran, dell’istituto dei Fratelli delle scuole cristiane e vicepresidente della Bethlehem University, chiede preghiere e assistenza per i suoi studenti provati dalle ricadute del conflitto mediorientale: arrivare da Gerusalemme, dove vive il 40% degli studenti, un percorso di soli 8 km, è stato praticamente […]

Students at Bethlehem University facing “extraordinary” difficulties

Link: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/church/news/2024-06/bethlehem-university-extraordinary-difficulties-palestine-curran.html From: Vatican News In an interview with Vatican News, Br Jack Curran, Vice-President of Bethlehem University, appeals for prayers and assistance. By Joseph Tulloch and Fr Adrian Danca In 1964, when Pope Paul VI made his historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land – the first by a Pope since ancient times – he […]


Link: https://lasallian.info/brother-jack-curran-reappointed-to-bethlehem-university/ From: La Salle Relan In January 2024, Brother Jack Curran, FSC, was reappointed vice president for advancement at Bethlehem University in the Holy Land. He held a similar role there from 2003 to 2013.   Brother Jack has devoted over 30 years to Lasallian higher education. Prior to the reappointment, Brother Jack was vice […]

Swiss Delegation on Campus for a Visit

The Deputy Head of Mission at the Representative Office of Switzerland, Kirianoff Crimmins Laetitia, visited Bethlehem University on Thursday, 12 December 2019. Brother Belayneh Medhanit, Vice President for Advancement, and Isaac Sahhar, Assistant Vice President for Advancement, welcomed the Deputy Head on campus. Brother Belayneh explained the latest development plans of the University including the […]

Representative of Mexico in Palestine Visits Bethlehem University

On Wednesday, 15 May 2019, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray welcomed Dr. Pedro Blanco, the Representative of Mexico in Palestine, on his first visit to Bethlehem University since assuming office in September 2018. Vice President for Advancement, Brother Denis Loft; Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Irene Hazou; Communications Officer, George Rishmawi; and Brother Alejandro […]

Bethlehem University, Cardinal Wyszyński University Sign Memorandum of Understanding

Bethlehem University and the Cardinal Wyszyński University in Warsaw signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Monday, 15 April 2019 in the Executive Conference Room. The general purpose of this agreement is to promote collaborative research, other educational developments, and to further mutual understanding.  The signing was done by Dr. Michael Sansur, Executive Vice President, and […]

Palestine Students Scholarship Fund Representatives Meet Recipients

A delegation from the Palestine Students Scholarship Fund visited Bethlehem University Campus to meet with students who receive scholarships on Thursday, 18 October 2018. The delegation comprised of Vice President Amir Darwish, Malek Al-Massad, Ali Ata, Khalil Khalil, Mohammed Abdullah, and Ziad Farhan.  Vice President for Advancement Brother Denis Loft and Development Officer Shahinda Nassar welcomed the […]

Palestinian Diaspora Delegation at Bethlehem University for a Visit

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018, the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation “HCEF” brought a delegation of Palestinian youths living in the diaspora for a visit to Bethlehem University. The program, known as “Know Thy Heritage”, celebrated the return of 14 Palestinian youths living in the diaspora from 7 different countries – Australia, Canada, Chile, Denmark, […]

Chilean Professional Women Delegation Visits Campus

Bethlehem University welcomed a Chilean professional women delegation to campus on Tuesday, 3 July 2018. The delegation was welcomed by Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor, Brother Denis Loft, Vice President for Advancement and Ms. Amjaad Musleh, Guest Relations Officer. The delegation was accompanied by Mr. Salim Hodali (BU’05), Manager of the Representative Office of Bank […]

Ukrainian Delegates Visit Campus

On Tuesday, 12 June 2018, Bethlehem University welcomed H.E. Mrs. Myroslava Shcherbatyuk, Director-General for the Middle East and Africa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ukraine. Joining her was H.E. Mr. Mykola Leschenko, Ambassador of Ukraine to Palestine. The visitors were welcomed by Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Irene Hazou, Academic Vice President, Brother […]

Galilee Hospital Delegation Visits Campus

A delegation from Galilee Hospital in Nazareth visited Bethlehem University on Thursday, 26 April 2018. Executive Vice President, Dr. Michael Sansour, Vice President for Advancement, Brother Denis Loft, and Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences, Mariam Awad, welcomed the delegation which included the Director of the Galilee Hospital, Eng. Salman Abu Ahmad, in addition to […]