Tag: New Urban Resources “NUR” project

Vocational Training to Support Start-Ups

Link: https://thisweekinpalestine.com/Vocational-training-to-Support-Start-Ups/ From: This Week in Palestine Date: 30/8/2021 By Francesca Costero, Claudio Daniele, Salvatore Guida In the framework of the New Urban Resources (NUR) Project, vocational training was prioritized to help build the vocational skills of Palestinian youth. Developing vocational skills was entrusted to EnAIP Piemonte, a nonprofit association that operates nationally and internationally […]

Spotlight on Bethlehem-Turin Cooperation

Link: https://thisweekinpalestine.com/spotlight-on-bethlehem-turin-cooperation/ From:  This Week in Palestine By Maria Bottiglieri There are many time-honored bridges that unite the city of Turin and the municipality of Bethlehem. The two cities first began to work together in 2014, thanks to the Italian-Palestinian cooperation program PMSP (Palestinian Municipalities Support Program), which sets out to strengthen the technical, administrative, […]

Renewable Energy Project Launched at Bethlehem University

The New Urban Resources “NUR” project was launched at Bethlehem University on Thursday, 30 November 2018. The NUR project is the result of a cooperation agreement between Bethlehem and Turin municipalities and is co-funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation for a 3-year period. Luigi Bisceglia, VIS Representative and coordinator of the MICAD program, […]