
WSERU conducts frequent fieldwork studies. Following a general survey of the water resources throughout the entire West Bank (Assessing Pollution and Water Quality Evaluation of the Water Resources of the Mountain Aquifer and the Drinking Water it Supplies, by Dr.Alfred Abed Rabbo, Br. David Scarpa, Ziad Qannam, 1997, funded by the Ford Foundation), WSERU has subsequently concentrated its work in the Southern West Bank and a final implementation report (A Comprehensive study of the Water Resources of the Southwestern, Mediterranean Drainage from the Mountain Aquifer by Dr.Alfred Abed Rabbo and Br. David Scarpa, 1999).
A program of sampling, designed to make a comprehensive cover of springs and wells in the designated area as well as a small selection of cisterns, reservoirs, and network outlets, was determined.
The WSERU laboratory is responsible for:

  • Collection of rainfall;
  • Collection of water samples;
    • Analysis of samples for a range HCO3- of physical, chemical and biological parameters (including pH, EC, DO, temperature, major cations, and anions (Ca+2, Mg+2, Na+ and K+ HCO3-, CO3-2, SO4-2 Cl, NO3-, F, Br, I, PO4-3, SiO2), Total Coliform bacteria, Faecal Coliform bacteria and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cd, Zn). Monitoring of rainfall data, within the context of historical records available and continuous updating from laboratory gauges and other stations in the Southern West Bank.
  • Evaluation of data to determine water quality and the cause and source of any pollution observed.

The samples were analyzed according to the standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater of the American Health Association (1995).