Simulation Guidelines and Instructions

Code of Conducts

  • Professional behavior, language, and attitude is expected at all times.
  • No eating, drinking or gum chewing are allowed in the simulation lab at any time under any circumstances.
  • No jacket, coats, school bags or purses are to be placed on the patients beds or inside the simulation rooms.
  • No pens and markers allowed in the labs.
  • Simulators are to be treated with respect as if they were real patients. Handle them gently and with care.
  • Do not manipulate, or remove any cords or connections from any of the equipment or the simulator manikins unless instructed to do so by the simulation lab coordinator or instructor.
  • Never write or draw on the simulators because it will permanently remain on the manikin’s skin.
  • Students, trainees and instructors should wash their hands upon entering the lab and before starting any training.
  • Latex Gloves must be worn when coming in to contact with the simulators.
  • Adherence to the dress code is expected. Students must be wearing a lab coat to participate in any activity in the simulation lab.
  • All beds should be lowered to the ground with the bed rails down after each use. Linens should be properly placed back on the manikin after each use as if caring for a real patient.
  • Do not remove the manikin from the bed unless instructed to do so.
  • Do not sit on the patient beds
  • Smoking is prohibited in the lab and around the lab area.

Lab Etiquette

Use professional behavior during training in the lab. This includes, but may not be limited to the following:

  1. All assignments must be completed prior to lab day.
  2. Demonstration of appropriate behavior during teachings and demonstrations. Including not talking while staff members are giving instructions, engaging in simulated situations, and actively participating in the clinical demonstrations.

  What happens in the lab stays in the lab!

  1. Students are allowed to make mistakes in the lab, so active learning can take place. This information should not be discussed outside of the lab.
  2. Everyone should be allowed to learn from the lab experiences in the same manner.

Bring all necessary supplies in the lab day such as watch with second hand, penlight, any books or resources necessary for the day. If you come to the lab without the proper supplies/equipment, you may be asked to return at a later date.

Cell-phones and cameras are NOT to be used during lab time. Cellular phones and electronic devices should be set to the “off” or “silent” position while students are in the Clinical Simulation Lab.

Use appropriate language/conversations at all times. Swearing, profanities or abusive discussions will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the lab experience.

Equipment Use

  • All students and faculty wanting to use the lab must have the proper orientation to the lab equipment.
  • Do not use the equipment for any purpose other than specified; anyone who fails to comply with this request will be asked to leave the center.
  • When working with the manikins, students must wash their hands and wear gloves.
  • Supplies and equipment must not be taken out of the lab unless requested by an instructor and after get the approval from the lab coordinator.
  • Students should have the proper orientation to the crash cart and the defibrillator before each use and practice on such equipment should be performed under the supervision of the course instructor and/or lab coordinator.
  • Only manikin lubricant should be used on the simulators when inserting tubes and catheters.
  • Nothing other than sterile H2O is to be injected into the simulator.
  • Do not use betadine (iodine), dyes and ink on manikins as they will leave a permanent mark on the manikins. For this reason, only pencils are permitted in the Simulation Lab.
  • All equipments and supplies must be returned to its appropriate locations after each training.
  • Any equipment malfunction or out of order must be reported to the lab coordinator immediately. If any equipment is broken or supplies need to be restocked, please inform the lab coordinator.
  • Faculty must provide at least one week notice for lab reservations and equipment requisitions.

Clean Up

  • The faculty and their students are accountable for cleaning up after lab use.
  • Leave the lab the way in which it was found so that others may enjoy their lab experience.
  • Make sure beds are clean, made and in a low-locked position with 2 side rails up. Under no circumstances should the manikins be left exposed.
  • All sharps must be disposed of in a sharps container.
  • If necessitated, task trainers and mannequins are to be cleaned with mild soap and water only. Rinse, drain and air dry. Injection pads should be squeezed to eliminate excess fluids and allow for well dry.
  • If for some reason the linens are soiled, please put them in the hamper.

Safety Guidelines

  • Participants in simulated scenarios need to be mindful of all standard precautions and transmission-based precautions (contact, droplet, airborne) and should practice according to the infection prevention and control standards.
  • All sharps will be handled safely and disposed of properly. In case of a “clean” needle stick injury, the guideline below will be followed:-
  1. Immediately inform an instructor and/or lab coordinator
  2. Wash affected area with soap and water
  3. Seek medical treatment as necessary
  • All students should be instructed on safe handling techniques prior to practice and demonstration on any simulator or equipment.
  • The wheels of all equipment (beds, wheelchairs, stretchers, trolleys and etc.) are to be locked during practice and after use.
  • Turning on and shutting off the simulators are under the responsibility of the lab coordinator.
  • All users who suffer from latex allergies should take precautions while using or handling the latex parts by wearing non-latex gloves.

Lab Schedule

  • Monday from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm
  • Wednesday from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm
  • Thursday from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm
  • Friday from 8:00 am till 3:00 pm

Faculty members (lab instructors) are responsible for all information covered during a lab day so they are able to lead the lab as well as assist students with performing skills and answer any questions that students may have.

Faculty members have to be at the lab approximately 15 minutes prior to the start time of the scheduled lab to make sure all equipment/supplies are in order and any last-minute questions can be answered.

Faculty members are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Simulation Lab Coordinator prior to their scheduled day to go over the supplies/equipment.