Clinical Simulators

The clinical simulation center is equipped with:-

1. SimMan 3G

A realistic full-body adult patient simulator, it has advanced clinical functionality to teach critical skills. Wireless, self-contained, rugged, and reliable that helps to meet the critical need for flexible training solutions.

The following can be performed on the SimMan 3G:-

  • Perform relevant Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) skills and scenarios.
  • Simulation-based education to challenge and test students’ clinical and decision-making skills.
  • Airway system allows accurate simulation of airway management.
  • Realistic practice of chest tube insertion.
  • Needle and surgical Cricothyrotomy.
  • Simulated patient monitor can provide snapshot of x-ray, 12 –lead ECG and trends.
  • Scenarios are pre-programmed as well instructors can also design and save their own patient cases.

2. SimMom

A realistic full-body mother simulator for medical, resuscitation and delivery training controlled by the instructor PC.

The following can be performed on the SimMom:-

  • Manual and Automatic Delivery Module
  • Normal & Breech Delivery
  • Instrumental Delivery
  • Other Complicated Deliveries such as Cord Prolapse/Nuchal Cord and Shoulder Dystocia.
  • Non-Ruptured Amniotic sac Module
  • Postpartum Hemorrhage Modules such as Boggy Uterus, Uterine Inversion, and Retained Placenta.

3. SimBaby

A realistic versatile simulator for medical, resuscitation and trauma training controlled by the instructor PC.

The following can be performed on the Simbaby:-

  • Realistic anatomy and clinical functionality.
  • Realistic airway system and multiple airway skills and features.
  • Realistic infant breathing patterns and complications.
  • Chest tube insertion.
  • Cardiovascular system including ECG, heart sounds, Pulse, BP measured manually by auscultation of korotkoff sounds.
  • CPR and defibrillation (PALS)
  • IV training arm.
  • IV legs allow the practice of peripheral intravenous and IO therapy.

4. Infant Crises Manikin

Infant crises manikin allows to create a training on infant resuscitation and ECG monitoring, along with the ability to start IVs, check for a pulse, and practice airway management skills including intubation and suctioning. In addition to practices on IO, umbilical clamping, cutting, and cannulation.

5. Ultimate Hurt

The Ultimate Hurt is a superior trauma and extrication manikin with three interchangeable heads (standard and trauma intubation heads and Mr. Hurt Head). He comes with a wide range of trauma wound modules to enhance different scenarios for first aid and traumatic care.

6. Mega Code Kelly

Mega Code Kelly is a realistic manikin for training in a wide range of advanced lifesaving skills in pre-hospital emergencies. It is considered as an advanced life support skills manikin for quality education.

7. Nursing Kelly

Nursing Kelly is a full-body, lifelike vinyl manikin designed to teach all skills from basic patient handling to advanced nursing, including the auscultation and recognition of normal and abnormal heart, lung and bowel sounds.

8. Nursing Anne

Nursing Anne Advanced is a full-body, lifelike vinyl manikin designed to teach all skills from basic patient handling to advanced nursing, including the auscultation and recognition of normal and abnormal heart, lung and bowel sound in addition to fetal tones.

9. Nursing Kid

Nursing Kid is a lifelike manikin that realistically simulates a six-year-old male patient. It is specifically designed for training professionals in the practice of basic and advanced nursing techniques, including the auscultation and recognition of normal and abnormal heart and breath sounds.

10. Resusci Anne QCPR

Resuci Anne QCPR is an adult CPR training manikin, designed for high-quality CPR training with multiple feedback options that provide opportunity to focus on student competency.

11. Multiple Tasks Trainer Manikins including:

  • Pericadiocentesis Simulator with Chest Tube and Pneumothorax sites insertion
  • Interchangeable Catheterization and Enema Trainer
  • Testicular & Breast Examination Trainer
  • Injection Sites Trainer

12. General Medical Equipments:

Defibrillators, Crash Carts, Laryngoscopes, Electronic Dinamaps, Trolleys, Medical Beds, IV stands and….etc.)