
Borrowing, renewing and returning books, using reserved materials and other typical library transactions occur at the circulation desk.

There are two RFID Self-check in/out kiosk/machines located at the library main entrance which can also be utilized. To view how to use the machines, please click here.

Please do not hesitate to ask the Library Staff for any assistance, if needed.

A Drop Box for book return after work hours is located at the right side of the Library main entrance.

Discussion Rooms (DRs) Reservation:

On the Ground Floor there are 3DRs: their numbers are 102, 104 and 106 respectively.

On the First Floor there are 4 DRs: their numbers are 202, 203,204 and 207 respectively.

On the Second Floor there are 4 DRs: their numbers are 302, 303, 307 and 308 respectively.


Reserve Shelf

The reserve shelf is located at the circulation desk. It contains copies of books and other materials recommended by teachers for students in specific classes. They are designated for Library use only or for overnight loan.

Click here to get the form for Reserve Shelf 

Reserve Shelf for the Academic Year 2023/2024

Fall Term

Course Course No. Faculty Member


Room Use Only/

1 week

Social Issues MRTS 525 Khalil Shokeh ON
Issues in Philosophy Ethics Phil 104 Raed Abdul Masih RUO
Nursing & Diet Therapy BIOL 252, 253 Adnan Shqirat ON
Biology BIOL 343 Hashem Shahin ON
Nursing & Health Sciences MOPN 530 Dr. Mariam & Salam Awad RUO

This section works closely with faculty in the selection of books in Arabic, thereby developing the library collection to support curriculum-related needs. Arabic books are processed with prompt attention to make them available for faculty and student use. The staff in this section also aim to give the faculty members quick access to accurate information from references and materials in the Arabic collection. Email alerts are sent to faculty/staff to update them on new books that are ready for loan purposes.

The Arabic collection exceeds 44,492 books.

This section is in charge of classifying, cataloging, and applying other technical processes, insuring that books are made available to faculty and students as promptly as possible.

The selection process is done in close cooperation with the various faculties and departments using the online acquisition form sent to the  Acquisition Librarian Staff for English books. Teachers are emailed when books are available and ready for use.

The English collection exceeds 49,000 books.

This section is in charge of the development of the print/online journals collection enlisting the cooperation and suggestions of teachers from different faculties/departments who assist the Library in the selection process. In the refurbished Library, this section is now enhanced with comfortable seating accommodation on the garden level. At present, we have a total of 5 databases subscriptions, and regarding the periodicals 16,759 in print format in English and Arabic as well as thousands of e-journal titles in Arabic and English, representing a variety of subjects.

Peer-reviewed journals

This section is in charge of managing and augmenting the electronic resources which Bethlehem University is subscribed to. The Digital Services Section supports faculty and students by providing consulting services, expertise, and application support for digital research to enhance the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Moreover, through its digitization project, the section implements digital preservation and access of content for BU’s special collection which focuses on Palestinian books housed at the Turathuna Centre of the Library.

The Archives organizes and preserves the history of Bethlehem University. Photographs, documents, brochures, newsletters, newspaper articles, course catalogs, publications, and other memorabilia are collected. In 1999, the Archives was relocated to the third floor of the Library including it in its structure and organization.

The Archives has two components: The Ancient Archives which consist of records from 1973, the beginning of the University, through 1989, the third year of the closure of the University; and the Intermediate Archives which consist of records from 1990 up to the present. Both Archives are completely catalogued.


Archives Catalogue

Following is the Table of Contents of the BU Archives Catalogue:

Sector A History of Bethlehem University
Sector B Development Projects
Sector C Funding Organizations
Sector D Support Groups
Sector E Administration
Sector F Academics
Sector G Student Concerns
Sector H Activities
Sector I – J Public Relations: Israel, Palestine, Press, Intifada, Peace Process Bethlehem 2000, Pope John Paul II
Sector K Statistics
Sector L Educational Institutions And Associations
Sector PH Photographs
Sector PR BU Printed Materials
Sector RCR Radio Cassette Tape Recordings
Sector SU Sundry (Various) Matters
Sector VCR Video Cassette Tape Recordings
Sector X Archives: Catalogues, References
Sector Y Final Exams of Students (Samples)
Sector NC Newspaper Cuttings
Sector MP Maps and Plans

BU Archives Digitized Collection

Since the Library embarked on its digitization project years ago, the Archives had the following collections of the Archives has been converted to digital format:

Sector RCR – Radio Cassette Tape Recordings

Sector VCR – Video Cassette Tape Recordings

Sector Ph – Photographs

Sector MP – Maps and Plans (Drawings, Sketches)

The digitized Sector of VCR is accessible through our OPAC and can be viewed in the classroom through the streaming server for educational purposes.

To have a pictorial sample in digital form of our Archives Collection, please click the following link:

Reference / Information Services Desk offers specialized reference assistance and bibliographic instruction.
The Librarian-in-charge of the Reference / Information Services is available to render and deliver quality services to both students and teachers/staff of Bethlehem University as well as off-campus users.
The Reference / Information Services Section’s goal is to make Bethlehem University students and faculty members better users of the different or varied resources of the Library such as the key or the primary index of the Library “OPAC” (Online Public Access Catalog) and the various Electronic Resources.
Some of the offered services at the Reference / Information Services Desk are:

  1. Helping users locate answers to their questions and using a wide range of library resources in print and electronic formats.
  2. Giving a brief practical one-on-one (individual) or group demonstration on how to retrieve a certain library material.
  3. Providing assistance or instruction in the use of the library, including location of materials, use of OPAC, use of computers to access information, and use of basic reference sources.
  4. Answering any general informational question.
  5. Providing technical assistance in using the PCs in the Computer pool areas or the borrowed laptops or iPads from the equipment-lending room of the Instructional Technology Unit (ITU) in the garden level.
  6. Facilitating the use of the Discussion Rooms as well as their equipment, and resources therein.
  7. Offering specialized reference assistance to library patrons via telephone, in person, or by email.Computer workstations are available for users to consult the Library catalog (OPAC), databases and access other Internet based-resources. There are also kiosks with two computers each on every floor which are for OPAC use only.
    Never hesitate to ask help from the Reference / Information Services Library Staff!

Library staff members are available to give instructional sessions in addition to LIBR 101, which is a university requirement for all first-year students. A specialized training session in a particular subject will be offered upon request. Planning should be arranged by the teacher and the library staff member.

The following two instructional videos have been produced by the Conservation and Scientific Laboratory Team – Qatar National Library. They have generously approved to use them for educational purposes.

Video 1: “How to pull a book from the shelf”

Video 2: “How to open a book”