Donate by Mail/Post

Palestine & International

Gifts from the local and international community can be made via check payable to “Bethlehem University” through the Advancement Office at Bethlehem University.

Bethlehem University
Advancement Office
PO Box 11407
92248 Jerusalem

Tel: +972 2 2741241
Fax: +972 2 2744440

About Bethlehem University Foundation

In the United States, Bethlehem University Foundation (EIN:22-3600739) is a registered 501c3 not-for-profit organization that allows U.S. citizens to make tax-deductible gifts in support of Bethlehem University’s mission.

Bethlehem University Foundation

6001 Ammendale Road, Suite 200

Beltsville, MD 20705

Employee Matching Gifts

Bethlehem University Foundation can receive matching gifts from the employer of donors. Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses, so don’t forget to check your spouse’s employer as well!

Check to see if you company has a matching gifts program (

Great Britain

Friends of  Bethlehem University, GB Charity has agreed to assist in maintaining the support of our many friends and supporters in Great Britain.  Your donations/gifts are eligible for a tax deduction. Please Make your cheque out to: “Friends of  Bethlehem University, GB Charity” and mail to:

Friends of  Bethlehem University, GB Charity
6 Balruddery Place,
G64 1JB

You may contact:

For more info, please visit:


Catholic Mission Australia is supporting Bethlehem University in a project for supervising our Nursing students doing clinical placements.  This gift qualifies for tax deductions in Australia.

Please mail your cheque out to Catholic Mission Australia and write in the memo “To Bethlehem University” and mail it to:

Catholic Mission Australia
PO Box 1668
North Sydney
NSW    2059   Australia


In Canada, gifts eligible for Canadian tax credit to support Bethlehem University may be made payable to “CNEWA Canada”.

Please send gifts to:

Bethlehem University Foundation
P.O.Box 355
Beltsville, MD 20704-0355

Gift details will be recorded by the Bethlehem University Foundation, and checks will be forwarded to CNEWA, who will issue you a tax credit receipt. CNEWA then accumulate, convert, and forward these funds periodically to Bethlehem University.


“Contributions should be sent to the address below and cheques made out to “The FBUI”. All contributions will be acknowledged and unless requested otherwise, donors will be automatically included in “Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland” membership, and will be kept informed on all activities of the Foundation.

The Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland,
c/o 89 Lower Leeson Street,
Dublin 2

In Ireland, Friends of Bethlehem University in Ireland (FBU-I) is an approved charity (CHY6868) and is authorized for tax rebates (1315).


In Italy by donating to Bethlehem University through De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale – ONLUS you are eligivle to earn a tax benefit in Italy.

De La Salle Solidarietà Internazionale – ONLUS
Via Aurelia 476 00165 Roma (Italia)
Tel +39 06 665231
Fax +39 06 6638821

United Arab Emirates

In the United Arab Emirates, gifts can be made through the Friends of Bethlehem University in the UAE.

Mr. Anton Kattan
PO Box 7674
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: 971-2-634-3969


In Switzerland, gifts can be made through the Association Universite de Bethlehem (ABU).  Please make your checque out to “Association Universite de Bethlehem”, and make a note “For Bethlehem University” and mail it to:

Association Bethlehem University ABU
c/o staehelin-law
Malzgasse 15
4052 Basel

Oliver Schneitter
Telefon: +41 76 338 93 51

New Zealand

In New Zealand gifts to Support Bethlehem University are eligible for tax deduction.  Please make your cheque out to “Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand“, add a note “For Bethlehem University” and mail it to:

Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
PO Box 12-193
Wellington, 6144 New Zealand

Ways to support Bethlehem University

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