Tina Hazboun, M.Sc.

Instructional Technology Specialist

Focused professional with 20 years of experience in holistic learning, instructional technology, and lifelong learning. Frequently praised as an excellent trainer and efficient with peers, I can be relied upon to help others achieve their goals.

After graduating from King’s College London with a Masters degree in Computing in Education, I joined Bethlehem University where I currently work closely with the faculty there on promoting active learning using ICT. As an Instructional Technology Specialist, I believe that technology enhanced education can promote learner centered teaching and learning. Thus, my aim is to equip and train educators with the skills needed for that.

In 2022, I joined Pearson Vue Authorized Test Center Select – Bethlehem University. The journey has been nothing short of exciting. This role has provided me with valuable insights into the world of testing, and I’ve had the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of countless test-takers.

I am an Instructional Technology Specialist by profession and an advocate for empowering females through technology. I am also a leading board member at ArabWIC. For the past 20 years, I have worked tediously in programs such as TechGirls, Technovation, MYMC, STEP and others in order to get more females in the tech industry.

Email: thazboun@bethlehem.edu
Room No L006
Phone: +972 2 274 1241 ext:2033
WhatsApp: +970 566 808850
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/tinahazboun