Michel Rock, M.A.
Graduated from BU with a degree in Religious Studies and got my Master’s in Theology from Saint Michael’s College. Interested in in Biblical Studies, Ethics, and Church History. I teach many courses one of them is cultural Religious studies, a course that teaches Christianity and Islam, this course is unique in Palestine, that promotes mutual religious understanding and respect, acceptance of the other and encourage co-existence. I am active in interfaith and inter-religious dialogue and participated in few conferences and gave talks or lectures related to such topics. I am a faculty member at Bethlehem University since 2007, and Chairperson of the Religious Studies Department since 2016.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=nlvhjzUAAAAJ&scilu=&scisig=AMD79ooAAAAAXdPjMQBczLxA9JJVyVtgqVcffSpIcsiU&gmla=AJsN-F5yoSELdTQxJMGgJHyO53eevLgmzHkUiT8AoPBFlT6qE73GL7xhCh8JpufZv9cAvyoMih8LDZbUEB1Utt07eqZJ_zWLmhsASjtinwB616s-SbUxQjE&sciund=16803146060923325018