Fadel Alsawayfa, EdD
Fadel Jobran-Alsawayfa is a visiting scholar at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Society and Culture, Concordia University. He is an assistant professor at Bethlehem University, Palestine, a pedagogue and a poet.
He teaches courses in drama in education, storytelling, theatre, play and creativity, arts-based research and creativity in practice. His forthcoming book with Brill Sense Press, The Road to Found Poetry: Understanding People’s Lived Experiences Creatively is based on his doctoral thesis in which he experimented with found poetry and explored the potential of using it as a means of data analysis, presentation and dissemination in qualitative research.
Jobran-Alsawayfa received his doctorate degree in 2019 in the Faculty of Education and Children’s Services at the University of Chester, England. He holds a master’s degree in Comparative Education from the Institute of Education, University of London, England. He also completed a bachelor degree in English Language and Literature at Hebron University, Palestine. He uses self-reflexive methodologies like self-study, poetic inquiry, autoethnography, drama, theatre and narrative inquiry. He is passionate about research and teaching methods that are inspired by the arts and use creativity.
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=fadel+alsawayfa&btnG=
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fadel_Alsawayfa
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3635-7736
Email: fsawayfa@bethlehem.edu
Extention: 2030
Room: E-206