CUL-130 Module: Soups, Sauces and Stocks
Module Description & Objectives:
Stocks are the backbone of any cuisine on which much of the kitchen depends. Students are introduced to simmering, emulsifications and knife skills and engage in the production of basic stocks while learning classical vegetable cuts. Students will practice production of leading sauces, emulsion, compound, and independent sauces and learn to prepare a variety of soups.
Module Learning Outcomes:
Upon satisfactory completion of this module, a participant should have the ability to:
- Learn, identify and practice classic vegetable cuts
- Describe, prepare and evaluate classic stocks with an emphasis on simmering, court bouillon, and essences
- Identify properties of a sauce, and produce leading sauces and emulsion sauces
- Apply the basic sauce thickening agents as well as produce compound sauces
- Identify and produce independent sauces, coulis, salsas, chutneys and compound butters.
- Identify the various classes of soups, prepare and garnish various soups
Prior Learning/Prerequisites:
FSS-110, CUL-102
Program Duration & Capacity:
16 sessions of 3 hours each for a total of 48 hours
Maximum capacity of 16 participants
Target Group:
Hotel and restaurant cooks.