Category: Turathuna

Interview: Najla Abdullatif on “Zero Waste Palestine”

Najla Abdellatif is a Palestinian environmental activist who’s striving to empower others to take ownership of moving towards a more sustainable life. Through her blog “Zero Waste Palestine,” Najla sheds light on climate change-related issues and promotes sustainable and waste-free practices for Palestinian and Middle Eastern households. Najla had a role as a Civil Society […]

Nicola Juha and His Love for Icons

Nicola Juha was born in Bethlehem and went to Terra Sancta School for his elementary and secondary education.  He studied law at Birzeit University near Ramallah.  He loved painting since he was young. He received a prize in an Italian drawing competition when he was still at school and won a prize once again for […]

George Nasra “Turathuna” Summer Camp 2019

The Library Team of George Nasra Turathuna Center organizes an annual youth summer camp. This year, it was from the 17th to the 28th of June 2019. Fourteen boys and girls from different schools participated with ages between 12 and 16 years old. The course/workshop this year focused on painting on glass, with Mrs. Tania […]

The Gates of Jerusalem By Dr. Omar Abed Rabbo, PhD

This scholarly article – in Arabic –  entitled “Gates of Jerusalem” written  and published in  “Jordan Journal for History and Archaeology” by Dr. Omar Abed Rabbo,  will be  presented in the e-turathuna section of the University Library. We are happy and proud to present Dr. Omar’s erudite work and grateful to him for sharing it to our […]

An Interview with Mr. George M. Al-Ama

Spring Term 2018 “Welcome back” to e-turathuna as we commence Spring Term 2018. We started the academic year 2017-2018 featuring a new genre – “the interview” –in an interactive encounter with Palestinians whose lives are marked with a “passion for turath.”  Fall Term featured Ms. Maha Saca, a Bethlehemite and a generous donor of Bethlehem […]

“The Shepherds’ Field”

Welcome once again to the Library’s e-turathuna! With Christmas approaching, we are featuring a holy site that is closely knitted to the events that unfolded that joyful eve when the whole world awaited the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ the Lord. “GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO!”  is the theme echoed during this historical evening with […]

Featuring Jabra Ibrahim Jabra

Jabra Ibrahim Jabra is Bethlehem’s homegrown writer, artist and painter. Turathuna Centre at Bethlehem University has a collection of his books on a special shelf just dedicated for him. Some of his representative paintings were showcased by Turathuna Centre for Palestinian Heritage during the 40th Jubilee year of the foundation of Bethlehem University. More Facts about Jabra Ibrahim […]

The Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is a magnificent monument and an added great treasure in world architecture. The area on which it was built is one of the holiest places on earth for Muslims, Christians and Jews alike. Known in Arabic as Masjd al-Aqsa (the farthest mosque), it occupies the centre of a […]