Category: Faculty of Education News

Bethlehem University Faculty Members Undertake Inspiring Visit to Bedouin Communities

On Thursday, 7 March 2024, Brother Alejandro Cerna, FSC, Dean of Education, along with Dr. Rabab Tamish, Ms. Maha Sader, Dr. Hala Rashed, Ms. Paola Handal, and Dr. Anita Bright, led a poignant visit to nearby Bedouin communities. The six faculty members were warmly welcomed into the communities and kindergartens, gaining invaluable insights into the […]

Bethlehem University’s Director of Athletics Receives FISU Gender Equality Champion Award

Ms. Samar Araj Mousa, Director of Athletics at Bethlehem University, was awarded the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Gender Equality Champion Award on 17 November 2023 at the FISU annual assembly meeting in Geneva. This recognition is a tribute to her distinctive role and significant contributions over a number of years in achieving tangible results […]

Zurrub Center Holds Educational Workshops for School Teachers

Through the Zurrub Teacher Resource Center, the Department of Early Childhood Education organized five workshops from Thursday, 10 March 2022, until Monday, 21 March 2022, for 100 teachers from public and private schools. These workshops focused on how to use the game (How Do you Feel – شدة كيف حالك) in teaching and learning children […]

Women’s Basketball Team Wins Championship

Bethlehem University Women’s Basketball Team won the Palestinian Universities Basketball Championship that took place at Al-Quds University on Saturday, 7 December 2019. The day was filled with enthusiasm, competitive spirit and thirst for victory. Our team won first place after beating Beirzeit University’s team in the final match.   The Director of the Athletics Department […]

Promoting Education for Gender Equity, Human Rights, and Democracy

Improving of the Quality of Education in Palestine “We are determined to support Bethlehem University’s initiative to train teachers to improve the quality of education in the Palestinian Territories, because I am convinced that education is the lever of development,” proclaimed Madame Pilar Lara Alen, President of Fundación Promoción Social de la Cultura (FPSC), at […]