MOU to Advance Green Technologies and Sustainable Innovation

Bethlehem University and the Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem (ARIJ) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen collaboration in green technologies, agro-businesses, and sustainable innovation. The signing ceremony took place at ARIJ’s headquarters in Bethlehem, with senior representatives from both institutions in attendance. Representing Bethlehem University were Br. Hernan Santos, Vice Chancellor, and […]

Bethlehem University Explores Future Cooperation with the Swiss Representative Office in Palestine

Bethlehem University welcomed Mrs. Anne-Lise Cattin Hennin, the Swiss Representative to the Palestinian Authority, along with Mr. Philipp Beutler, Head of Cooperation and Mr. Ghassan Al Jamal, National Program Manager, on Tuesday, 11 March 2025, to discuss potential collaboration in advancing educational and empowerment initiatives in Palestine. The meeting was attended by Br. Hernán Santos […]

BBI and YSBC Host Community-Based Tourism Hackathon

The Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) and Yunus Social Business Center (YSBC) at Bethlehem University, in partnership with the Palestine Heritage Trail Association, organized a two-day “Community-Based Tourism Hackathon” on Friday and Saturday, 5-6 July 2024. Funded by the Japan Social Development Fund through the World Bank, the hackathon fell under the project “Enhancing Economic Opportunities […]

Tourism Innovation Hub Graduation Ceremony

Bethlehem Business Incubator – BBI within the Faculty of Business Administration at Bethlehem University held a momentous Graduation Ceremony to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of youth, women, and youth with disabilities who have actively engaged in all facets of the Tourism Innovation Hub programs and pillars. The event served as a platform to not only […]

Introducing the Global Shapers Bethlehem Hub

Hosted by Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) and Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) at Bethlehem University’s Faculty of Business Administration, the newly established Global Shapers Bethlehem Hub is making a significant impact on the betterment of our world. The Global Shapers Community, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, serves as a global network that unites […]

Tourism Innovation Hub Empowers Youth with Disabilities for Tourism Careers

Bethlehem, 03 – 13 May 2023 – The Tourism Innovation Hub (TIH) at the Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) proudly celebrates the successful completion of an inclusive training program aimed at empowering youth with disabilities. Over the span of five intensive training days, participants underwent comprehensive training sessions that equipped them with transversal skills, entrepreneurship knowledge, […]

BBI & ARIJ concluded a 45-hour capacity-building program for youth groups

Bethlehem Business Incubator – Bethlehem University in cooperation with ARIJ, concluded a 45 hour capacity building program for youth groups that included trainings on digital marketing, innovation and design, and marketing principles. Participants submitted a marketing plan implemented within a project titled “Support the economy of the Palestinian agricultural and rural cooperatives led by women […]

Tourism Innovation Hub kicks off a capacity-building program for 51 participants

Following the official opening of its newly established Hub, Bethlehem Business Incubator- BBI, started an intensive capacity-building program for the 51 selected participants (37 females & 14 males), divided into two groups, with innovative business ideas in the tourism sector. The purpose of the program is to equip the participants with the knowledge and the […]

Tourism Innovation Bootcamp at Bethlehem University

The Tourism Innovation Hub at Bethlehem University organized the first Tourism Innovation Bootcamp as part of the launching of its Tourism Innovation Hub – TIH in partnership with UNESCO. The Bootcamp started with Panel discussion involving the private sector, nongovernmental organization and UNESCO to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector with the […]

BBI & UNESCO Launch the Innovation Tourism Hub

Bethlehem Business Incubator at Bethlehem University launched the new “Tourism Innovation Hub” on Wednesday, October 19th, 2022. Tourism Innovation Hub – TIH is a new project led by Bethlehem Business Incubator – BBI in partnership with UNESCO within the TVET4Future project, funded by ENABEL – Belgium development agency. This new Hub focuses on youth, women, […]

‘Walk and Talk’ for School Students in Bethlehem – Fadel Abdeen Vocational School for Girls

Finding a way to engage with youth is always a big challenge, this is why as Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) and the Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC), we support interactive activities proposed by our partners. On the 27th of September 2022, Bethlehem University hosted a group of 21 girls and their teachers coming from Fadel […]

‘Walk and Talk’ for School Students in Bethlehem – Al Khansa High School

Bethlehem University hosted a group of 22 girls and their teachers coming from Al Khansa High School in Yatta. The girls participated in the ‘Walk and Talk’ activity which took them around the historical center of Bethlehem, in order to discover some of the main components of ‘Start Your Business’ project, funded by the Italian […]

Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) organized an Agriculture Hackathon

Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) at Bethlehem University in collaboration with Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ), hosted its first-ever Agriculture Hackathon as a crucial part of a project supported by the Spanish Development Cooperation to economically empower Palestinian women and young farmers in agriculture, allowing them to gain access to new marketing channels. Individuals and groups […]

BBI & YSBC – Provision of Branding and Website Development Services

At Bethlehem University, Bethlehem Business Incubator (BBI) and Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) organized a workshop for the incubated and accelerated startups to start the work on designing, branding and developing websites for their businesses. In parallel with the work on developing the business plans with their mentors, the entrepreneurs joined this workshop to know […]

Launching the Incubation and Acceleration for 32 Startups

32 business and social business ideas joined the journey to transform their ideas into startups and/or develop their existing startups to enhance their work and scale it up, through the “Start Your Business” project (SYB). On Wednesday, 8 June 2022 the Yunus Social Business Center (YSBC) organized a launching event of the incubation/ acceleration of […]

EntreprenHer challenge: Women and Social Entrepreneurship

The Bethlehem Business Incubator and Yunus Social Business Center at Bethlehem University held the “EntreprenHer challenge: Women and Social Entrepreneurship” on campus on Friday and Saturday, 27-28 May 2022 in which 54 Palestinian women entrepreneurs participated. The event aimed at inviting women entrepreneurs with social entrepreneurial ideas or existing businesses to work together over two […]