The Technology Department at the Faculty of Science, Technology, and Engineering at Bethlehem University hosted a highly informative lecture titled “An Innovative Non-Surgical Approach to Treating Cancer Tumors.” The lecture was delivered by Dr. Anan Qubti, the founder of Synergy Med, a Bethlehem-based startup specializing in medical devices. During the lecture, Dr. Qubti highlighted the […]
On Thursday, February 20, 2025, a group of Software Engineering students from the IEEE Student Branch at Bethlehem University conducted the first session of a problem-solving workshop series for their peers. Among the facilitators was Ihab Maali, who recently competed in the The Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship 2024 (ACPC 2024) in Luxor, Egypt, […]
The Department of Technology, of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Technology & Engineering at Bethlehem University hosted a lecture today titled “An Innovative Noninvasive Approach to Treating Cancer Tumors.” The lecture was delivered by Dr. Anan Copty, founder of SynergyMed, a Beit Jala-based startup specializing in medical devices. Dr. Copty highlighted the role of computer […]
Bethlehem University is proud of its Software Engineering graduates, who participated in the 1st International Alumni Conference: Empowering Employability in the Era of Artificial Intelligence, held at the University of Sharjah on 20–23 January 2025. Two teams of our talented graduates represented Bethlehem University under the mentorship of Dr. Suhail Odeh, showcasing their innovative senior […]
Bethlehem University is proud to celebrate a team of our software engineering students who have qualified for the prestigious ACPC Africa and Arab Collegiate Programming Championship! This achievement follows their exceptional performance at the PCPC Palestinian Collegiate Programming Contest held on October 24, 2024, at Birzeit University. Congratulations to Ihab Mali, Hasan Zawahra, and Rama […]
Bethlehem University participated in the 12th Palestinian Collegiate Programming Contest (PCPC-2023), sponsored by telecommunications company Ooredoo, took place at Al-Istiqlal University in Jericho on Sunday, September 10, 2023. The event featured 41 teams from the West Bank and 32 teams from the Gaza Strip, attracting a diverse array of supervisors, professors, experts, and representatives from […]
In a collaborative effort between the Department of Software Engineering at the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Technology, and Engineering and Gaza Sky Geeks, a workshop on Docker was successfully conducted on Thursday, 25 May 2023. Aimed specifically at third-year students, the event shed light on Docker’s significance as an open platform for application development, shipping, […]
Bethlehem University’s Software Engineering students recently took part in the competitive programming contest, Hebron Code Jam, held at Hebron University on Thursday, 27 April 2023. Students representing several Palestinian universities took part in the competition. Bethlehem University team “Submit Spammers,” consisting of Ihab Maali, Hasan Zawahreh, and Nadine Abu Odeh, made it to the top […]
The Department of Software Engineering at the Faculty of Applied Science, Technology and Engineering, in cooperation with Gaza Sky Geeks, held a workshop on Thursday, 16 March 2023, to train third and fourth year students of the department on website development skills using ReactJS, an open-source front-end JavaScript library. ReactJS is used to build user […]
Software Engineering students participated in the Palestinian Collegiate Programming Contest in Rawabi on Monday 10th of October 2022. The department participated with three teams.
The Software Engineering Department at Bethlehem University organized an exhibition of graduation projects for the second cohort of software engineering students, the Shireen Abu Akleh cohort, on Wednesday, 1 June 2022. A total of thirty students who will graduate in Spring 2022 participated in 12 different projects that were presented in the Auditorium on campus. […]
Three teams, two of which are freshmen and one team of sophomores, from the Software Engineering department took place in the second contest (Hebron Code Jam 2022) which took place at the University of Hebron on Thursday, 24 March 2022. 26 teams from different Palestinian universities participated in the contest.
The Tech club, in coordination with the Software Engineering Department at Bethlehem University, organized a visit to Ramallah – Birzeit, on Saturday, 19 March 2022. The program included a visit to the IEEE student branch at Birzeit University. The group also visited Palestine Techno Park, and the Palestinian Museum.
On Saturday, 19 March 2022, the first contest (Exalt Tech Contest 22′) took place at Exalt Technologies Company in Ramallah with the participation of 8 universities from all across Palestine. Three teams from the Software Engineering department competed; two of which were freshmen and the other team members were sophomores.
Gaza Sky Geeks, a program of Mercy Corps, has given four-day DevOps workshops for third and fourth-year students at the Department Of Software Engineering in February and March. Students gained in-depth knowledge of the Linux Operating System, AWS, and Docker Containers, which are the current technology trends in the market. The students were really pleased […]
Bethlehem University graduate Afrah Mousa (BU’20) of the Software Engineering Department participated in the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) in Oman from 21 to 23 December 2021, to present her graduation project. Her project was titled “DiscimusRW: An E-Learning Web Application for Classifying Random Walks with Machine Learning”. Afrah developed a web-based online system based […]
The Department of Software Engineering at Bethlehem University held an honoring event on Friday, 9 July 2021, to honor the best graduation project for the class of 2021. Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Michel Hanania, Department of Software Engineering Chairperson, Dr. Suhail Odeh, Department’s faculty members, and students attended the event. Dr. Hanania […]
The First Cohort of the Software Engineering students, a total of 25 students who will graduate in Spring 2021, from the Faculty of Science at Bethlehem University presented their graduation projects on Tuesday, 25 May 2021, in the Auditorium. The event was held under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Ishaq Sider, Palestinian Minister of […]
Bethlehem University team Runtime Error qualified to participate in the 2021 ACM Arab Collegiate Programming Contest (ACPC) which will be held in Luxor City, Egypt from 19-23 March 2021. Over 120 teams will participate from over 12 Arab countries. The team consisted of three Software Engineering program students who were Danial Sleibi, Khader Ballout, and […]
Three faculty members at the Faculty of Science gave 30 primary school teachers a training entitled “Improving Science Education in Primary Schools of Palestine – Second Phase” for four consecutive days last month in the Faculty of Science labs. Chairperson of the Biology Department Dr. Ghassan Handal, Lab Assistant at the Chemistry Department Mr. Tanas […]
The Department of Software Engineering at Bethlehem University held its second annual workshop on Software Engineering on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at Furno Hall. Information technology professionals and software engineers from the private sector attended the workshop in addition to members of faculty, staff and students. The workshop was sponsored by PALAst, ProGineer Technologies, iconnect […]
Four Bethlehem University students were featured on the front cover of the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Spring-Summer 2018 magazine. ICTP is one of the prominent scientific centers in Italy. The students, who run a science outreach program in the West Bank called Science4People, illustrated physics through simple experiments that can be done with […]
The Faculty of Science held its two days science fair on Friday and Saturday 20-21 April 2018. Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, representatives of the Bethlehem office of the Ministry of Education, faculty, staff, and students attended the opening ceremony. Dr. Michel Hanania, Dean of the Faculty of Science, welcomed the audience […]