
Brother Armin Luistro, FSC*
Superior General, Institute of the Brothers
of the Christian Schools, Rome

H.E. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri
Prefect, Congregation for the Oriental
Churches, Vatican City

Chair of the Board
Professor Bart J. McGettrick
Glasgow, Scotland
Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD*
Vice Chancellor, Bethlehem University Bethlehem

His Excellency Most Reverend,
Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, Chancellor*
Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Palestine
Chancellor, Bethlehem University

Mr. Elias Aburdene
Rock Creek Corporation
Washington, DC

Rev. Kuriakose Cherupuzhathottathil*
Secretariat of ROACO,
Representative of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches, Vatican City

Prof. Count Agostino Borromeo
Rome, Italy

Mr. Terence Tobin
Chancellor, University of Notre Dame Sydney, Australia

Mr. Anton S. O. Kattan
Matrix, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Salwa Said Khoury
Consolidated Contractors Company
Al-Majaz, Sharjah, UAE

Lt. Lady Mary O’Brien, LGCHS
EOHSJ – Northwestern Lieutenancy
San Francisco, California

Sr. Irene O’Neill*
Chairperson of the Bethlehem University Foundation Board
Sisters of St Joseph of Carondelet Ministries Foundation, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA

Fr. Kail Ellis OSA, PhD
Dean of Arts and Sciences,
Villanova University, Pennsylvania, USA

Brother Timothy Coldwell, FSC
General Councilor, Lasallian Region of North America

Prof. Dr. Heinrich Koller*
President of the International Association in support of Bethlehem University, Switzerland

Professor Philippe Croizat
Attorney at law

Most Rev. Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo*
Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Israel,
Representative of the President of the Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land, Jerusalem

Mrs. Calleen King Letaconnoux
Former Wall Street Executive,
New York

Dr. Thompson Mason Faller
Professor of Philosophy at the University of Portland, Oregon

Professor Jin-Kyu Lee
Professor, Korea University Business School, South Korea

Mrs. Ilham Saca
Owner Filco Appliances and TV’s Store Sacramento, CA

Msgr. John Kozar*
Secretary-General, Catholic Near East Welfare Association, New York

Mrs. Annette Aburdene
Vice President for Administration at Rock Creek Corporation, US

Mrs. Bernadette Tobin
Director Plunkett Centre for Ethics Sydney, Australia

Dr. Suava Zbierski – Salameh
President of the Haverford Institute, US

Dr. David J P Hare
Semi-retired financial services Non-Executive Director
* Ex Officio Members