- De La Salle Hall, D-101a
- maryq@bethlehem.edu
- 022741241 ext. 2429
Main Tasks and Responsibilities
- In coordination with the Dean of students, coordinates, supervises and planning and implementation of all student activities and projects.in campus and within the local community and abroad.
- Organize activities to enrich the social and cultural life of students on campus.
- Supervise the students extra curriculum activities. Organize main events that target students, such as Honors day, Christmas party. Responsible for all active groups (Wajd musical group, Majdal dabka group, Drama group, Debate club Arabic, and English, MUN group, Afaq group, Books Not Walls group, Volunteer group.
- Helps and assists and member in different committees in the university such as: Students with disabilities committee, Student senate election committee, Graduation committee, Recruitment Committee, Career day committee and the orientation for freshmen students committee.
- Member in the Palestinian Universities students activities committee, in which participate in all activities that are organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research such as, competitions, visits, workshops and other programs.