Message from the Dean

Research is generally considered one of the most important objective measures of a university’s quality, prestige, and standing in the world. Four out of the eight indicators that the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) uses to rank the top 1000 universities in the world have to do with research.

Research, whether intended for epistemological purposes or for practical applications, plays a pivotal role in the University’s vision and mission. Research brings recognition to the faculty members at Bethlehem University, improves the quality of students’ education, and prepares the next generation of Palestinian experts and researchers that are needed to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Bethlehem University is committed to supporting faculty research promotes a culture of excellence in research across the university. The Office of the Dean of Research cooperates with various offices, councils, and organization, on- and off- campus and organizes various activities that aim to raise the research capacity and overall research productivity and increase the representation and visibility of researchers in international research journals and platforms. In particular, the Office of the Dean of Research seeks to work with researchers to reach out and network with international research communities and become participants in the production of significant and transformative research, knowledge, and innovative patents at the international level.

Prof. Jamil Khader is Dean of Research and Professor of English. Before arriving at Bethlehem University, Dr. Khader taught at Stetson University in Deland, Florida, where he served as the Director of the Gender Studies Program, the Co-Chair of the Diversity Council, and as a member of various committees addressing tenure and promotion policies as well as grievance and academic freedom.

Prof. Khader is the recipient of various awards including a Research Award (2006), a Community Impact Award (2011), and a year-long teaching and research Fulbright Fellowship at Bir Zeit University (2014). He also serves on the editorial board of JMEWS: The Journal of Middle Eastern Women’s Studies. Dr. Khader delivered scores of papers and chaired various panels at many international conferences. Moreover, he gave different talks and coordinated different colloquia and workshops at different institutions in the United States and Palestine.

Prof. Khader is the author of numerous publications on postcolonial feminism, popular culture, literary theory, and pedagogy (the scholarship of teaching), which appeared in various international peer-reviewed journals and other collections. He is also the author of Cartographies of Transnationalism in Postcolonial Feminisms: Geography, Culture, Identity, Politics (Lexington Books 2012) and the co-editor, with Molly Rothenberg, of a collection of essays on the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek, entitled, Žižek Now: Current Perspectives in Žižek Studies (Polity 2013). This book has been slated for translation in German and Korean and will be published next year.

His political commentary has been featured on The Philosophical Salon, Aljazeera in English, Truthout, Jadaliyya, The Palestine Chronicle, Center for the Secular Research and Studies in the Arab World (Al-Hewar Al-Mutamaden), PPS Arabia, News with Conscience, and other venues. He is currently working on various articles as well as two book-length projects.


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