Bethlehem University Launches Second Edition of Media Literacy Project

Bethlehem University’s Interactive Media Program, in collaboration with the Institute for Community Engagement and Partnership (ICP) and the Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation (KVS), has launched the second edition of its Media Literacy Project.

This 15-session training program, which involves trainers from the university’s media program and Finland, aims to enhance students’ media literacy skills and empower them to navigate the complexities of the digital age. The project focuses on Critical thinking and information literacy, Digital citizenship, and Media production.

Upon completion of the training, students will undertake community-based initiatives to share their newfound knowledge with a wider audience. These initiatives will address pressing issues such as digital security, combating misinformation, fact-checking, and more.

The first edition of the Media Literacy Project, which was funded by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was highly successful in raising awareness about media literacy in Palestine.