Brother Peter Walks the Camino for Bethlehem University

Brother Peter Bray, former Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, recently completed a 730-kilometer trek along the Camino de Santiago in Spain. 

Leaving Bethlehem University after 15 years wasn’t easy. Witnessing the ongoing struggles faced by Palestinians, especially the youth, left Brother Peter feeling a sense of helplessness. However, inspired by President Teddy Roosevelt’s advice to “do what you can with what you have, where you are,” he decided to start this mission to raise awareness and funds for Bethlehem University.

In May 2024, Brother Peter embarked on the Camino de Santiago, a historic pilgrimage route. He walked for 37 days, taking over 1.2 million steps. He carried a banner proclaiming his solidarity with Palestine and his mission to support Bethlehem University students. 

Throughout his journey, he shared stories of the students at Bethlehem University with fellow pilgrims and locals, raising funds through the Bethlehem University Foundation. The university faces a significant funding gap, and many students struggle to afford tuition due to the economic hardships in the region.

The Camino has become more than just a physical challenge. Brother Peter acknowledges the humbling experience of navigating a foreign language and culture. Yet, these encounters have fostered unexpected connections. He’s met fellow pilgrims and locals who have shown genuine concern for the Palestinian cause and have generously contributed to his fundraising efforts. 

While reaching Santiago de Compostela was an accomplishment, Brother Peter highlights the importance of the journey itself and the lessons learned. “The goal was to do the walk and let God’s will become more obvious to me,” he says. “It taught me to live in the moment, and to keep putting one foot in front of the other.”

He reflects on the enriching experiences and the spirit of giving he has encountered. His message is clear: There’s always something we can do, no matter where we are. Though Brother Peter’s walk is complete, the fight for a better future for Bethlehem University and its students continues.