Bethlehem University Welcomes Australian Representative

Bethlehem University was honored to receive H.E. Mr. Edward Russell, the Representative of Australia in the State of Palestine, on his first visit to the university since assuming office in April 2022.

Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray warmly greeted Representative Russell and provided him with a comprehensive briefing on the ongoing development projects at the university. These initiatives are part of Bethlehem University’s strategic development plan in preparation for the forthcoming Golden Jubilee celebrations, a significant milestone in the university’s journey.

Representative Russell then toured campus to learn more about its individual faculties and facilities.

As a highlight of the visit, Brother Bray and Ambassador Russell jointly unveiled a captivating pop-up version of the National Museum of Australia’s Canning Stock Route indigenous art exhibition. This extraordinary exhibition showcases extraordinary stories and stunning artworks created by Aboriginal artists from Australia’s Western Desert.