Student Cell Activity on “South Korean Culture” in Zbierski Library

On Thursday, 18 May 2023, the Zbierski Library had a very interesting student cell activity on “South Korean Culture” in the Library Building.

Library Director, Ms. Elizabeth D’souza introduced student, Malak Abu Sa’da, and expressed her gratitude for preparing the activity. She welcomed three Korean students who study Arabic at Bethlehem University and all the enthusiastic students who came for the activity.

It was very interesting to see Malak, a Palestinian talking about Korean culture. She developed fondness for Korean language and was happy to share her knowledge.

 Twenty one students, from various faculties attended the activity which generated a great deal of interaction and discussion following the presentation.

Elizabeth Dsouza thanked all the students for attending the activity and said that the Library will resume the activities in the next semester as students are now busy with seminars, projects and final exams.