Research Partnership Grants

The Leading House MENA has launched a call for “Research Partnership Grants”. This instrument aims at developing new joint project proposals or connecting already existing and independently funded projects in Switzerland and in the MENA partner countries into long-lasting cooperation. In the past, several exciting Swiss-Palestinian research grants were made possible through this initiative, including research in the fields of heritage conservation, health, and agriculture. See below some additional details on the grant:

Grant amountMax. CHF 15,000 per project
Number of grants availableApproximately 10
Project durationMax. 12 months
Eligible Swiss institutionsFederal and cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teachers’ education, as well as public research institutions
Eligible countriesAll 17 countries of the MENA region (see call document for full list)
Application deadline21.08.2023, 5pm (Swiss time)
Information and application

Please bear in mind that the Swiss counterpart should submit the application for this partnership grant. For any additional questions please contact the Leading House MENA directly.