Screening of Films on Battered Women at Turathuna Centre

Turathuna: George Nasra Center for Palestinian Heritage at Bethlehem University Library,  hosted a screening of two films produced by Ms. Tamara Abu Laban from the Interactive Media Program on Thursday 30 March 2023.  The films focused on the issue of battered women and their experiences.

The event was attended by a class of 21 students, who engaged in an interactive discussion after the screening.  The discussion was thought-provoking and insightful, with students sharing their thoughts and opinions on the issue.

The films shed light on the challenges that battered women face in Palestine. They explored the various forms of abuse that these women endure, including physical, emotional, and psychological abuse.

Ms. Tamara Abu Laban, the producer of the films, spoke about her inspiration for creating them. She explained that she was motivated by a desire to raise awareness about the issue of domestic violence and to give a voice to those who have suffered in silence.

The Turathuna: George Nasra Center for Palestinian Heritage team expressed their gratitude to Ms. Abu Laban for her collaboration on this important project. They highlighted the importance of using film as a medium to educate and inform the public about important social issues.

The event was a success, with students leaving with a greater understanding of the challenges faced by battered women. They expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to engage in such a meaningful discussion and to learn from the experiences of others.