Palestinian Public University Presidents Meet at Bethlehem University

The presidents of Palestinian public universities met on campus last week within the framework of deepening the bonds of administrative, professional and academic cooperation and communication between public universities, to raise the efficiency of the work of higher education institutions, exchange experiences, find solutions to common issues and challenges, and emphasize the pioneering and leadership role of these universities in Palestinian society.

It was also agreed that these meetings would be held periodically, and the Association of Palestinian Public Universities would be formed.

Rev. Dr. Iyad Tawal, Executive Vice President of Bethlehem University, Dr. Samir Najdi, President of Al-Quds Open University, Dr. Bishara Domani, President of Birzeit University, Dr. Abdel Nasser Zaid, President of An-Najah University, Dr. Amjad Barham, President of Palestine Polytechnic University, Dr. Nabil Hasasneh, President of Hebron University, and Dr. Imad Abu Kishk, President of Al-Quds University, attended the meeting. Dr. Nasser Farhat, President of the Islamic University, and Dr. Omar Milad, President of Al-Azhar University, were unable to come from Gaza.