Colloquium Report: How to improve the quality of your research by using Endnote

The Office of the Dean of Research (DOR) held the fourth workshop of the Bethlehem University Research Group series for the 2022-2023 academic year titled, “How to improve the quality of your research by using Endnote,” on Thursday Jan 5, 2022.

Dr. Yacoub Sleibi, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Business and Business Administration, facilitated this hands-on workshop on how to use the citation management software Endnote effectively to improve the quality of research by storing, organizing and citing references.

Dr. Yacoub believes that Endnote helps researchers and students not only to annotate sources, but also to create and format references, and cite and create in-text citations. Moreover, the integration of Endnote with MS word makes it efficient to build a list of references automatically as you write and re-format them easily in different styles that suitdifferent journals.

Endnote can help researchers and students write a systematic review of the literature and find an appropriate journal where they can submit their articles for publication. The closed-source software provides unlimited reference storage and group sharing capacity features, which makes it easy to collaborate with colleagues.