Software Engineering Department Hold Graduation Projects Exhibition

The Software Engineering Department at Bethlehem University organized an exhibition of graduation projects for the second cohort of software engineering students, the Shireen Abu Akleh cohort, on Wednesday, 1 June 2022.

A total of thirty students who will graduate in Spring 2022 participated in 12 different projects that were presented in the Auditorium on campus.

The opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Maher Al-Ahmad, Director of the Technical Development Department at the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology, representing the Minister, Dr. Ishaq Sider, in addition to a number of companies from the private sector, which are major partners of the department as some companies supervised student projects.

In his welcoming remarks, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray stressed that this exhibition contributes to achieving the university’s mission of serving the Palestinian people and creating a generation that contributes to building the future of Palestine.

Al-Ahmad hoped that these projects will be able to compete at the local, regional, and even international levels. He said that the ministry is working to encourage such ideas and give them the opportunity to compete at various levels.

Chair of the Software Engineering Department Dr. Suhail Odeh said that the aim of this exhibition is to highlight the skills and capabilities of students, noting that the department helps students direct their ideas in line with the market needs.

After cutting the ribbon, the guests toured around the exhibition and listened to an explanation by the students about their projects.

Software Engineering Graduation Projects