Career Day Gives Students a Boost

The Dean of Students Office organized the annual career day on Wednesday, 19 May 2022, in the auditorium in which more than 40 companies and organizations participated. The guest speaker was Mr. Ibrahim Melhem, the Palestinian government spokesman, who is a graduate of Bethlehem University in 1985.

The master of the ceremony, Ms. Enas Elias, Academic and Career Counselor at the Dean of Students Office, welcomed the attendees and thanked the companies and institutions for their participation.

Rev. Dr. Iyad Al-Twal, Executive Vice President, welcomed the students and participants and thanked the organizers of the event which was held after two years due to COVID-19.

Ibrahim Melhem, the Palestinian government spokesman, said “It gives me great pleasure to return to this prestigious university today, speaking on behalf of the government, after I sat one day on its study benches.”

Melhem stressed in his speech that a certificate is like a passport that gives a person priority in conducting interviews for a job, but getting a job is different, as it requires possessing multiple skills and knowledge.

Mr. Adnan Ramadan, Dean of Students Office, presented a plaque of appreciation to Mr. Melhem and PricewaterhouseCoopers, the official sponsor of this year’s career day.

Then, the representatives of the companies interviewed the students who are about to graduate, where about 300 students in various disciplines were interviewed.

2022-05-19 Career Day