Qualitative Research Methods for Mental Health in War and Conflict

Free Online Course

“Qualitative Research Methods for Mental Health in War and Conflict”

Institute of Community & Public Health (ICPH), Birzeit University

and King’s College London (KCL)

Open for enrolment!


We are pleased to announce that our free intensive certified online course on “Qualitative Research Methods for Mental Health in War and Conflict” is open for enrolment. The course will be running for four weeks with the start date on 7 February 2022.

The course is specifically designed for researchers; current and recently graduated Master’s, PhD and medical students; professionals working for local or international NGOs, Ministries, and international aid organizations from war and conflict affected settings.

This intensive online course will equip you with up-to-date qualitative research methods skills. You will learn how to analyse data for use in programme evaluation, reporting, and academic paper writing as well as learning how to independently design an original research project. Experienced researchers will teach the course from the Institute of Community and Public Health (ICPH) at Birzeit University and the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at King’s College London.

The course and all related material is free of charge with the exception of the tests and certificate which cost £16.67 (digital only) or £32 (printed and digital).

Key benefits

·       We offer excellent training in designing, conducting and disseminating the findings of qualitative research projects.

·       We draw heavily on contemporary examples of research on mental health in war and conflict with a particular focus on the MENA region.

·       We encourage candidates to apply their learning using their own data.

·       Delivered by experienced tutors from a range of health, social scientific and medical research communities and disciplines.

·       All course material is translated into Arabic and available online. Learners may participate in discussions and exercises in Arabic if they prefer.

You can enrol here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/qualitative-research-methods-for-mental-health-war-conflict