BU present at the International Arab Conference on Information Technology

Bethlehem University graduate Afrah Mousa (BU’20) of the Software Engineering Department participated in the International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) in Oman from 21 to 23 December 2021, to present her graduation project.

Her project was titled “DiscimusRW: An E-Learning Web Application for Classifying Random Walks with Machine Learning”.

Afrah developed a web-based online system based on Django web technology to support teaching Brownian motion theory that describes the random motion of particles dispersed in a solution.

She used a number of machine learning algorithms and mathematical models that allow the application to visualize and classify the type of random walks. 

It is worth noting that the ACIT is a technical-scientific specialized conference where participants from over 33 countries presented 113 scientific papers in 15 sessions during three days in different IT topics such as Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things and Network security and others.