Chemistry Students Visit the Library

As a follow-up of the Library Liaison Annual meeting with the faculty, Vera Koussa as a member of the LLT took the responsibility to approach Ms. Reem Zeitoun, Faculty of Chemistry, to bring her students to visit the Library.  On the 12th of November ’21, Ms. Reem came with her 29 Chemistry students to the Library.

Ms. Elizabeth D’souza welcomed the students and the Library staff, Vera demonstrated how to borrow a book using the RFID machine and pointed out the computers which are used as the Library catalog.

Mirna went across the different facilities and services the Library offers, such as the use of the discussion rooms, the quiet study areas, and the computer pools which are in the different floors of the Library.

On the 1st floor, Valerie illustrated on how to look for a book through OPAC and finally, at Turathuna, Mary Morcos explained about the Palestinian books and displays on heritage. Ms. Reem encouraged the students to visit and use the Library more often.