Another group of Grade 2 Students of St. Joseph School visits Library

Another group of 32 Grade 2 girls from St. Joseph School with their teacher Ms. Nadia Hazboun came to visit the George Nasri Turathuna Center in the BU Library at 9:30 A.M today, 09 Nov.  2021. The girls were excited to see what is inside the Library and particularly in the Center.

The group was welcomed by the Turathuna Team members headed by Ms. Mary Morcos. Mirna did the explanation during the tour, Sana took photos, Sr. Rose and Mary Claire helped in the guidance and interaction during the tour.

They joyfully participated in the talk given by Ms. Mary Morcos about the Palestinian Dress and other Heritage items in the collection. Asked if they have tried wearing Palestinian Dress, everybody raised their hands and answered in an affirmative sentence.