Patriarch Pizzaballa Celebrates Mass of Holy Spirit at Bethlehem University

Bethlehem University marked the beginning of the new academic year 2021-2022 with its traditional Mass of the Holy Spirit. This year’s liturgy took place on Thursday, 14 October 2021, at the University’s Chapel of the Divine Child.

The main celebrant of the mass was His Beatitude Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, together with Rev. Dr. Iyad Twal, Executive Vice President of Bethlehem University, and Fr. Peter DuBrul, faculty member.

In his welcoming speech, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray said, “We come together here this morning, faculty, staff, and students, at the start of the academic year, to pray to God’s Holy Spirit to guide us and to help us be open to learn about what is God doing here at Bethlehem University. We come together to pray for one another, to pray we may find practical ways to support and enrich one another as we seek to follow the mission that Bethlehem University has here in Palestine serving the Palestinian people.”

In his homily, Archbishop Pizzaballa said “It is important to not only pass knowledge to students but also wisdom because knowledge without wisdom can be a source of division. Wisdom can be learned from relations, meeting in classes.”

Faculty, staff, and students joined this wonderful celebration of the new academic year to give thanks together and to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom.

2021-10-14 Mass of the Holy Spirit