Lithuanian Ambassador on Campus for a Visit

On Friday, 30 July 2021, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray and Director of Advancement Ms. Dalia Qumsieh welcomed the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Palestine, H.E. Mr. Bertas Venckaitis with his wife, Ina, on their first visit to Bethlehem University since assuming office.

Brother Peter briefed the Ambassador about Bethlehem University, its history, and its mission to serve the Palestinian people through education.

H.E. Mr. Venckaitis toured the campus and visited various faculty buildings. Bethlehem University’s development plans were also shared and discussed with H.E. Mr. Venckaitis, including the planned Georgette Salameh Center and the Cardinal Foley Hall which is expected to be dedicated in September.

H.E. Mr. Venckaitis discussed ways to revive the academic cooperation that existed between Bethlehem University and Vilnius University in Lithuania, where he also expressed his desire to expand academic and cultural relations between Palestine and Lithuania.

They then enjoyed lunch in the Institute of Hotel Management training restaurant where food was cooked and served by Bethlehem University’s students.

2021-07-30 Lithuanian Ambassador Visit