Ghassan Salameh at Bethlehem University

Ghassan Salameh, a Palestinian-American Businessman, gave a talk to faculty, staff and students at Bethlehem University on Friday, 19 January about his campaign “The Way to Bethlehem”.

Ghassan explained the idea of the pilgrimage was to support Bethlehem University and raise awareness of its mission and contributions to educate the people of Palestine.

He invited students to join him in walking the 800-kilometer (nearly 500 miles) “Camino de Santiago” to share their experiences at Bethlehem University with the pilgrims joining the walk.

“The Way to Bethlehem” Campaign is a 40-day pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago that will start from 18 May 2018 and will end as the pilgrims enter the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, on 27 June 2018.

As a successful Palestinian-American, Ghassan embraced his heritage and engaged in advocating on behalf of young Palestinians. His personal experiences enforced in him the importance of education and the critical role it plays in providing opportunities, which led to his support of Bethlehem University.

Ghassan is a strong believer in the mission and vision of the University and the role it plays in positively shaping and improving the lives of young men and women, and the investment it is making in the future of Palestine.

Ghassan Salameh was elected to the Board of Directors at the Bethlehem University Foundation in April 2017.

We encourage you to Join the Pilgrimage

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