Meet the Director

Welcome to Bethlehem University’s Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism!

Bethlehem University’s Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism has earned its reputation as the leading tourism and hospitality management school in Palestine.

The tourism and hospitality industry is a large and diverse field that provides challenging and exciting career opportunities for people from all walks of life. During the past three decades, tourism and hospitality education and training in Palestine has developed and matured, growing hand-in-hand with the expanding industry.

The tourism and hospitality industry is people-centered and service-oriented; the employment outlook is excellent for people who are genuinely able to relate to people. With world-class teaching, access to global industry experts, modern training facilities, and partnerships with international tourism higher institutes of education, Bethlehem University’s Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism is a world-class program delivered on an intimate scale.

At our Institute, we have a faculty of highly trained and extraordinarily dedicated individuals who contribute years of rich and diverse professional experience to the classroom. The programs offered include a four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management, a two-year Diploma in Hospitality Management, a Diploma in Travel Agency Management, a Higher Diploma in Tour Guiding, and a Master’s Degree in Pilgrimage and Tourism.

You will find the Institute’s programs of study built upon a solid foundation of hospitality and business courses. This includes an up-to-date curriculum, intentionally designed to be integrative and international in focus with a great interface between theory and practice.

At the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, we prepare our students to be lifelong learners, innovators, and professionals poised to be the next new generation of leaders in their careers.

I take this opportunity to welcome you once again to our Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, and invite you to begin the fascinating journey into the world of tourism, hospitality management, culinary excellence, and pilgrimage promotion!

Acting Director
Elias Juha