Bethlehem University Mourns Death of Former International Board of Regents Member

Bethlehem University community is sad to learn of the death of longtime supporter and generous donor Mr. John E. Steger, CLU, KGCHS, AFSC, who passed away on Wednesday 14 July at age 95.

Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray commented on Mr. Steger’s death by saying “John will be missed, but his legacy of service and generosity will be remembered. John will live on in our collective memory as a great friend and supporter of our university.”

John and his wife Nan Steger, from White Bear Lake, Minnesota, began supporting Bethlehem University when John served on the International Board of Regents in the mid-90’s. He also served on the Board of the Bethlehem University Foundation from its inception in 2002 until 2015, and spent four of those years as Chair of the Board. During his leadership, the Foundation expanded its Board of Directors and increased support to Bethlehem University.

John and Nan established the Brother Vincent Malham Faculty Recognition Award Endowment Fund which provides funding to Bethlehem University and recognizes faculty members for outstanding work by funding sabbaticals, supporting continuing research, underwriting attendance at international conferences, and purchasing special equipment. John and Nan have made significant contributions to other major initiatives such as the General Endowment Fund and the Library Renovation Project.

In recognition of their time and talent over many years to the Bethlehem University Foundation, the Stegers were named Legacy Patrons of the Bethlehem University Foundation in 2018.

John has left an indelible footprint on our University, and we are grateful for his wholehearted commitment to supporting Bethlehem University.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

(Picture Above from right to left: Vice Chancellor, Brother Peter Bray, Mr. John E. Steger (RIP), Ms. Nan Steger, and Chair of BUF Board, Sister Irene O’Neill, CSJ, Ed.D)