Honoring Best Software Engineering Graduation Project

The Department of Software Engineering at Bethlehem University held an honoring event on Friday, 9 July 2021, to honor the best graduation project for the class of 2021.

Dean of the Faculty of Science, Dr. Michel Hanania, Department of Software Engineering Chairperson, Dr. Suhail Odeh, Department’s faculty members, and students attended the event.

Dr. Hanania congratulated the graduates and wished them the best in their future endeavors. He also thanked the Department for the past four years and stressed the importance and the success of the graduation projects.

Dr. Odeh, explained the selection criteria which was based on three factors including the technology used, the project size and complexity, and the market needs. He also announced that they will start the procedures to establish a union for software engineers through the Palestinian Ministry of Labor.

The best three projects were chosen by the tech companies who attended the graduation projects presentations. The winning project was DentaChX byMaen Ibreigheith, Nicola Zreineh and Seifeldeen Obeid. DentaChX is using machine learning image processing tools and techniques to develop a smart system that processes an X-Ray image of the teeth to produce useful results.

The Department of Software Engineering also honored five graduates who served as members in the Department’s Tech-Club, who were Alex Dukmak, George Khair, Leen Qazaha, Mariam Qumsieh, and Wissam Abu Abbara.

Congratulations to all.

2021-07-09 best graduation project