Students Participate in Workshop on values of Democracy, Human Rights, and Gender

Four Bethlehem University students and a staff from the Dean of Students Office participated in a workshop entitled “Together towards promoting the values of democracy, human rights, and gender” that was held in Jericho on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6 and 7 April 2021.

The workshop discussed important issues including Palestinian student’s life, the role of student senate in promoting a culture of dialogue, the rights of people with disabilities in education and health, and the impact of Corona on education in Palestine.

Assistant to the Dean of Students Mai Jaber gave a speech on behalf of the higher education institutions in Palestine.

The students Leen Assaf, Ibtihal Ali, Gassan Manasreh, and Mohammad Mosha’she’, gave a presentation on the rights of people with disabilities in education and health.

The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education, in partnership with Palestinian universities. It was part of the “Amal project” which is funded by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency.