Virtual Meeting with Students on Academic Probation

The Dean of Students and the Academic Affairs Offices organized a meeting via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, 25 February 2021, for first-year students who are on academic probation.

The meeting aimed to help students and guide them to improve their grades and overall GPAs to successfully continue their studies.

The Dean of Students Mr. Adnan Ramadan welcomed everyone who joined the meeting and explained the purpose of holding such meetings.

The Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Muna Matar introduced freshmen students to the term “probation” and explained the mechanism for calculating their grades.

Dr. Matar also clarified the regulations related to the academic probation.

ِThe meeting concluded with a discussion with the students where all their questions were answered.

This is the first of a series of meetings that will be organized by the Dean of Students Office in cooperation with the Faculties and Departments in order to support the educational process, and help students overcome any difficulties they encounter due to the current situation.