Alumni Reunion in Abu Dhabi

Friends of Bethlehem University in Abu Dhabi organized in cooperation with the Alumni Relations Office at Bethlehem University, a gathering for twenty plus of Bethlehem University alumni at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Abu Dhabi on Friday, 19 October 2018. 

The alumni met with Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, the Chief Operating Officer of Millennium Hotels & Resorts in the Middle East Mr. Kevork Deldelian BU’88, and member of Bethlehem University’s Board of Regents and chair of the Friends of Bethlehem University in Abu Dhabi Mr. Anton Kattan.

Br. Peter welcomed the alumni and thanked them for attending the event and stressed the importance of maintaining contacts with the alumni.

He also extended his appreciation to Mr. Kattan and the Alumni Relations Office for organizing the event and to Mr. Daldelian for hosting the event at the hotel.

Brother Peter updated the attendees with the latest projects Bethlehem University is implementing, namely the new Nursing Building and the new Bethlehem University Tourism Institute (BUTI), which is implemented by UNRWA through the Saudi Fund of Development (SFD). 

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