Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Amid COVID-19

On Thursday, 03 December 2020, a few students, faculty, and staff gathered despite the coronavirus in the De La Salle building to celebrate the annual Christmas tree lighting which is usually packed.

The ceremony, which is organized by the Dean of Students Office, began with musical performance by the Shepherd’s Boy and Girl Scout Troop.

Dean of Students Mr. Adnan Ramadan welcomed the audience and wished them a very Merry Christmas.

Executive Vice President Rev. Dr. Iyad Twal said “We, at Bethlehem University, join hands to come out of this pandemic safely.”

He added that “God is always present in our lives, this Advent season reminds us that we are in the grace of God and we will overcome the pandemic.”

Rev. Dr. Iyad and student Amal Abu Srur lit the Christmas tree.

The audience reacted with cheers and the Scout Troup played some Christmas carols.

2020-12-03 Christmas Tree Lighting