Brother Vincent Malham Center Awards Certificates to its Foreign Students

On Monday, 30 November 2020, a graduation ceremony was held at the Bethlehem University Millennium Lounge for foreign students undergoing courses in Arabic Language which are conducted via the Brother Vincent Malham Center.

Ms. Nadia Bany Shamsa, Arabic Teacher for Foreigners, began the ceremony by welcoming the graduates and congratulating them on their performance and dedication. She stressed on the importance of practicing to speak Arabic language in order to further enhance their skills.

Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray congratulated the graduates on learning a new language and encouraged them to continue using it.

Students held a play featuring Juha, a satirical Arabic Character who always finds himself in funny and ironic situations. The attendees were passionately laughing as the play unfolded. Yet again, the native Arabic speakers were extremely impressed with the student’s abilities to hold plays and conversations in colloquial Arabic. Students also sang a song in Arabic and one of the students played the violin.

Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray and Vice President for Finances Mr. Youil Anastas presented them with their certificates of graduation.

After the ceremony, refreshments were offered and everyone took the time to socialize and discuss their experiences studying Arabic in Palestine.

2020-11-30 Malham Center Graduation