“With All due Respect”

Students Hanna Stephan and Zein Bannoura participated in a play titled “With all due respect” which was performed on Saturday, 7 November 2020, in Al-Kasaba Theater and Cinematheque in Ramallah.

This performance comes within the student empowerment project implemented by Al-Kasaba Theater and Cinematheque, in partnership and support of the Drosos Foundation, and in cooperation with five Palestinian universities (Bethlehem, Birziet, An-Najah, Al-Quds, and Khadouri). The play was directed by Mr. Firas Abu Sabbah.

This project will continue over a period of three years and includes drama training to empower young people and enhance their role in society to become effective leaders and capable of change through raising important social and life issues.

We wish our dear students all the best in developing their performance skills. We salute them for their persistence and continuation of training despite the difficult circumstances. We believe in you and your abilities. We also thank Mr. Sabbah, Al-Kasaba theater, and the Drosos Foundation for this purposeful project.