Qubeibeh Nursing Students Visit BU

The Office of the Dean of Student, in cooperation with the Tarek Juffali Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, organized a visit for Qubeibeh Nursing first-year students on Monday, 19 October 2020.

Dean of Students, Mr. Adnan Ramadan, met with them and said that new students should know their University, stay in constant contact with their professors, and obtain information from official sources.

Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Ms. Mariam Awad, emphasized that nursing is a humanitarian profession and that students should focus on their studies during these difficult times.  

Assistant to Dean of Students, Ms. Mai Jaber, encouraged students to participate in the activities organized by the Office of the Dean of Students.

A campus tour was conducted for the group by the current undergraduate students Sama Salman and Islam Joulani. Also, they were given their University IDs.