EOHSJ – Victoria Lieutenancy Visit Campus and Engage with Students

Members of the Victoria Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (EOHSJ) visited Bethlehem University as part of their pilgrimage tour to the Holy Land on Monday, 13 May 2019.

Leading the group was Lieutenant Emeritus William Kininmonth, KC*HS, who along with his group, were greeted by Brother Denis Loft, Vice President for Advancement.

Brother Denis welcomed the group to campus and expressed his sincere gratitude for the support that the Knights continue to provide for the University.

Following a six-minute video about Bethlehem University, the Knights enjoyed an interactive discussion with some of the students who also joined them for lunch at the Institute of Hotel Management.

The EOHSJ, a good friend of Bethlehem University, is dedicated to preserving Christian presence in the Holy Land.

EOHSJ- Victoria, Australia