Bethlehem 2000 Foundation Visits Campus

A Chilean Palestinian delegation from the Bethlehem 2000 Foundation visited Bethlehem University last week.

The delegation included the Executive Director of the Foundation, Mr. Alexis Sfier; Chairman of the Palestinian Community in Chile, Mr. Maurice Khamis; and members from the Foundation. 

Executive Vice President, Dr. Michael Sansur; Assistant Vice President for Advancement, Mr. Isaac Sahhar, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Mrs. Mariam Awad, and Brother Alejandro Cerna who is from Mexico met the delegation.  

Several nursing students who went to Chile through the support of the Foundation joined the delegation in a discussion on how their visit to Chile impacted their lives and careers.

The Palestine Bethlehem 2000 Foundation is a charity organization that provides relief for children in Palestine and offers cultural programs to the community in Chile.

2019-06-20 Bethlehem 2000 Foundation