Faculty of Science Holds Science Fair

The Faculty of Science held its two days science fair on Friday and Saturday 20-21 April 2018.

Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, representatives of the Bethlehem office of the Ministry of Education, faculty, staff, and students attended the opening ceremony.

Dr. Michel Hanania, Dean of the Faculty of Science, welcomed the audience and explained the aim of the fair which was to present simplified science to high school students to encourage them to study physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc.

Brother Peter stressed the importance of connecting the university with the local community and schools in particular. He praised the university’s relationship with the ministry of education especially with the Bethlehem office.

He also invited schools to come use the university labs to encourage students to study scientific majors.

Raed Ahmad, the Physics Supervisor of the Bethlehem office of the Ministry of Education, expressed his pride in this science fair as he is an alumnus of Bethlehem University. He was very pleased to know that the university has reopened the Bachelor’s program in Physics.

The science fair had five sections including physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and for the first time a software engineering section.  More than 20 high schools with around 700 students from different districts visited the fair.

2018-04-20 Science Fair