Bethlehem University Visit Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company

In the framework of enhancing cooperation with Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company, Dr. Michel Hanania, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Technology, and Engineering, and Mr. Yazan Al-Zubaidy, Marketing and Communications Director, visited Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company on 11 July 2024. They were met by Dr. Walid Mousa, General Manager, and Ms. Maram Abu Dais, Human Resources and Shareholder Relations Officer.

During the visit, the company was introduced to the new Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry program, which will be offered for the first time in the academic year 2024. 

Dr. Walid Mousa emphasized the importance of this specialization and the ongoing cooperation between Bethlehem University and Beit Jala Pharmaceutical Company, particularly in training students and employing graduates.

The Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry program covers essential topics in pharmaceutical sciences such as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical preparations, pharmacology, and medical pharmacy. Additionally, the program includes courses in industrial chemistry technology, environmental chemistry, organic materials technology, polymer technology, food, water, and soil analysis, as well as material toxicity.

The program also involves practical training in chemical and pharmaceutical industries or relevant centers and laboratories. Furthermore, the program focuses on developing personal skills in graduates, such as personal development, leadership, communication, and entrepreneurship, aiming to graduate highly qualified and competitive students in the job market.